Your bank accounts are being used by others to conduct illegal cash transfers including those related to scams. Although some victims knowingly allow their bank accounts to become mule accounts, there are also those that are tricked into it.
Taking advantage of your lack of awareness or financial desperation, you are offered thousands of ringgit to open or hand over your bank accounts. If caught, your bank account may be closed and you may face difficulties in opening a bank account in the future. You may also be at risk of being charged with facilitating criminal activities and subject to fine or imprisonment.
Detect Signs
+ offers to ‘rent’ your bank account which will then be used for illegal purpose.
+ if you come across a job posted on social media or chats that is too good to be true, most likely it is a scam. It later requires you to hand over your ATM card and/or online banking details for fake salary processing.
+ loan sharks or unlicensed money lenders requesting for your ATM cards or bank accounts in return for your loans. They will then use your account to transfer illegal money.
How to stay safe
+ do not allow others to use your bank account or ATM card.
+ do not be tempted by the small financial gain by releasing your bank account to be used
+ report to the authorities (your bank and police) if you suspect that you have received money under suspicious circumstances. Do not do anything with the money that has been deposited into your account.